Nowadays more and more people like outdoor activities, such as camping, mountain climbing, hiking, traveling and other stimulating outdoor activities are becoming more and more popular, and want to participate in outdoor activities, the necessary equipment to carry is indispensable, choose a good performance backpack, often the first step in outdoor activities to prepare for departure. Next, Guangzhou Juli Xiaobian will introduce you to the types of outdoor backpacks, together to understand it.
There are many outdoor backpacks on the market. According to the size, there are no bags (45-above), bags (35-45L), small bags (below 30L), but according to the backpack function, there are the following types:
1. Extreme Adventure Pack
This kind of backpack is generally used for extreme mountain exploration and long-distance trek, backpack backpack support strength is very high, load bearing is very strong, the hanging point is very rich, the process is more complex, especially functional, is the preferred high-intensity and professional outdoor sports.
2. Hiking Backpack
Mainly used for long-distance hiking or long-term travel, strong backing, compact and lightweight package design, internal reprint is more inclined to classify storage, suitable for general camping and crossing activities.

3. Mountaineering climbing Backpack
Designed for professional or amateur rock climbing and ice climbing. In order not to affect the climbing, usually using soft back design, fabric tensile wear resistance is very strong, specially equipped with fixed ice claws and climbing rope device, rich external hanging, easy to hang equipment, some styles also equipped with finishing equipment pad.
4. riding Backpack
Conversion to cycling sports design, cycling speed is faster, so cycling backpack to stress balance, lightweight, such backpack design is generally delicate and compact, bright colors, functional strong, the basic body of the bag requires a reflective device, bag can accommodate a series of water bottles, helmet and other riding items.
5. outdoor leisure backpack
Daily outdoor leisure knapsacks pay attention to leisure, appearance is also very important, the best match with daily clothing, functional requirements are not high, can be loaded with carry-on items on the basic line, weekend shopping, suburban climbing, carrying a classic design of a small bag, carry some commonly used items, but also as one. A pleasant enjoyment.
Post time: Jul-22-2023