JFT Air bike saddle covers for a comfy, pain-free ride

It’s a well-documented fact that riding your bike for 30 minutes – be that in a spin class or zipping around the local lanes – can burn anywhere between 200 and 700 calories, meaning it’s a great form of cardio.

Perhaps that’s one reason why many of us have invested in a good-quality exercise bike to keep fit during lockdown. But even if you’re a seasoned cyclist or spinner, there’s always been something about riding a bike that has never sat right with us (pun intended).

We’re of course referring to the bruised bums, inner thighs and crotches that come as a direct result of a poorly sized saddle. In our opinion, there’s nothing worse than hitting a spin session hard, only to be left as walking wounded in the days that follow. So, we wanted to see if there was a way to make our bike riding more comfortable and enjoyable.

The best answer to soreness is a saddle that is comfortable enough for your sit bones.

That’s where JFT air bike saddle covers come in. Available at S M L three sizes, we wanted a cushion that was as comfortable to sit on from the start of our ride to the end.


We tested JFT air bike saddle cover and made note of how well they worked in comparison to an uncovered saddle. Extra points were awarded to the covers that fitted both our indoor bike and our mountain bike.


In the end, choosing the right cover will let our cycling more relax. And we can attest that JFT air bike saddle covers will make for a far more pleasant ride – minus the bruises.

You can trust our JFT brand , which are formed from real-world testing and advice.


Post time: Jul-30-2024